Aircraft Database

Aircraft Database

ADU Software – Aircraft Database

ADU software (Established November 2002) is the fastest growing provider of software and aviation data to support aircraft spotters, photographers, aviation researchers and anyone who has a genuine interest in aviation. Our products allow you to keep your spotting logs or photography lists organized and directly tied into the most up to date data available anywhere. 

With a highly automated spotting log entry program that supports the integrity of your data, fast, powerful search programs that look up aircraft by over 15 different parameters (registration / serials, construction number, line numbers, airline etc.) and extensive reporting capabilities that can even produce pre-checked handbooks that eliminate the need to underline or check off books ever again.

We provide full aircraft database coverage of jet and prop airliners, biz jets, business turboprops, business twins, military and one of the most extensive lists of Russian and Chinese built aircraft – supported by a highly experienced editorial team.

ADU Software offers the highest levels of customer service and are committed to continuous development of the software for our customers with regular program enhancements, data updates on average twice per week via web download and our add on SBS utility which integrate with both Kinetic BaseStation & AirNav.

Key Features Of The Aircraft Database Are:

  • Up to date fleet lists at the click of the mouse for airlines, airliners, military and bizz/props
  • Sort the lists into full lists, or the database can simply list the aircraft that you require.
  • Easy logging facility to enter all of your sightings for each trip and airport.
  • Details of your sightings for each airframe
  • Statistics report stating numbers of each type you have seen, percentage seen and much much more
  • Mode S integration. ADU will update sightings and populate the registration field with the brand new registration if known. The program will also alert you if any aircraft overflying are required.
  • Integrate your aviation pictures into the database.

The above are simply the key features, many more features can be found on the website.

Below are a couple of comments from our users but don’t just take their word for it, purchase your copy today!! Visit us at or Tel. 0161 718 5439

Thank you so much for all your hard work on ADU, as a user who generates his logs via ADU when putting my report together to post to various groups I am on, ADU saves me alot of time as I don’t have to sit there and type out all the reg’s seen, ADU generates my log ready to hit send on the group, and as for SBS Utility, what a fantastic programme, this saves me alot money! no need to be on the net to convert Mode_S to reg, both ADU and Utility are the only programmes needed in this game! I for one wouldn’t look elsewhere. Going back from the old days of Registration Details, to the present date I can’t fault the database so thanks once again for all the hours and hard work that’s put in each day to make this database the best there is on the market. – Paul

Your Customer Care is 100% as a company I would rate you 11/10 – Jason

In conjunction with ADU we are able to offer our readers the database free of charge subject to an annual subscription been taken out for web updates at a cost to plane spotting hotels readers of £50, that’s a £80 saving on the published web price (new subscribers only).

To take advantage of this offer please contact ADU Software directly at or via telephone on 0161 718 5439 quoting Plane Spotters Hotels